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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Morgan

Improve Your Small Business With These 5 Content Marketing Strategies

Updated: Apr 9, 2019

5 content marketing strategies to strengthen your brand
Improving your content strategy doesn't have to be a painful experience.

Your content strategy can either make or break your brand. 75% of B2B purchasers rely on content when making a serious buying decision.

With those statistics, it's easy to see the importance of strategy and great content.

If you are new to content marketing, don't be intimidated. Though it is important to understand the power of content strategy, the power is easy to harness.

One of my favorite quotes from Neil Patel is “Consistency in implementing best practices is the ticket to long-term success in content marketing.” When you have a consistent marketing strategy, you will place yourself ahead of the game.

In marketing, the way to consistency involves organization and an engaging audience environment. If you are interested in learning the "how-to's", I have put together 5 successful tactics (and 15 sub-tactics) to get you started.

“Consistency in implementing best practices is the ticket to long-term success in content marketing.” - Neil Patel

Tactic #1: Organize Your Content. Organize Your Life.

Creating the best marketing strategy of all time is exciting! However, if you are not organized with the right content, your business will suffer.

It's important to identify what type of content you are going to create to attract your ideal audience.

Here are a few tips that has helped other writers:

  • Create Content Around Your Core Values

One tactic that works well for my clients is creating content around their core values. This tactic attracts an audience that's perfect to build relationships and increase the overall Customer Lifetime Value.

One of the best ways to create content around your core values is to fuel your passion! For example, if you are passionate about dog grooming, write about your service to a friend. Easy!

People are more receptive to authentic writing. This works in your favor. If you start writing articles that fuel of your “why”, you will attract your ideal customer. (Because they think like you!)

Side Note: if you loathe writing, then quick 2-minute videos are the next best option. The reason is that society loves visual concepts. With video, you are more likely to create something that is more engaging and inspiring. (Which is exactly what you want!)

  • Create a Content Calendar

Once you have mastered your focus and have identified the type of content you will create, it’s time to start a content calendar. Content calendars help give you an easy visual of your content marketing strategy. By taking a couple of extra hours to craft a content creation plan, you will lower your stress levels. (Not to mention that you will also improve marketing efforts, and save time!)

  • Re-purposing Content

One tip I’ve learned from a pro is to always reuse content to create fresh ideas. Always use ideas from previously published content to create something new. For example, If you write a blog post on 5 Ways To Travel Like A Celebrity On A Budget, you can use the section on Tip Your Bartender With Compliments for Free Drinks, to create a new article. It’s a basic example, but the reality is that some of the best content comes from your already published ideas.

(Pro Tip: Don't forget to update older content with the links to newer content to keep your articles fresh and interesting.)

  • Create Headlines Using Emotional Keywords

People love sharing information that inspires them. By using targeted emotional keywords, you will give your content the extra kick it needs to be share-worthy. A couple of great tools to try are CoSchedule Headline Analyzer and Advanced Marketing Institute’s Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer. These sites will help you create better headlines and teach you how to become stronger at creating them.

Search traffic takes a little more than word of mouth

Tactic #2: Improving search traffic

Improving your search traffic takes more than word of mouth from friends and family. It is important to create a strategy that will attract your targeted audience and gain the attention of potential partnerships to grow your brand’s online presence.

  • Create Targeted Landing Pages

Creating targeted landing pages to various pain points give you the highest potential of increasing engagement and attracting your ideal customer. What I would recommend is segmenting your audience based on personas and services available. This way you can create landing pages (and supporting content) that will intrigue the serious buyer and inspire the browsing reader to share with their network.

  • Understand Your Audience

Once you have a better understanding of what's working, it’s time to assess what's performing well. This can be done through tracking click rates, sites views, keyword research, or simply asking "What would help you fix ______!?"

  • Have a Content Strategy

Being consistent with your content marketing strategy will help you bring ideal traffic to your sites. A recommendation would be to create measurable goals and follow through using PAMD (Planning, Auditing, Performance, Distribution).

  1. Plan your content around your customer’s journey

  2. Audit Your Site Content: Should you refresh old content or create new content?

  3. Measure Performance: Determine the best way to track your content performance

  4. Distribution: What is the best way to get your content in front of buyers?

It is important to create an online strategy that will not only attract your target audience but will also gain the attention of potential partnerships that will grow your brand’s online presence.

A/B testing makes me feel warm and fussy inside!

Tactic #3: Testing, Testing, Testing

By now, your site is looking amazing! You are attracting the right people and starting to see some traction. Now, what!?

  • Consistently Run A/B Tests

In marketing, it is important not to become complacent with what is working in the moment. Customer needs change and your business will have to accommodate to remain viable. One of the best ways to avoid becoming so last week (aka irrelevant) is to consistently run A/B tests.

If you have never heard of A/B testing, don’t worry! A/B testing is experimenting with different headlines, calls-to-action, and various styles of content to determine what works best for your audience.

  • Continued Growth Through Online Courses

What better way to remain relevant than to learn from experts in the field!? With websites such as Udemy, Teachable, and Hubspot, there are fantastic options to grow your knowledge and learn how to avoid common marketing mistakes.

Tactic #4: Get a CRM tool

This is a topic on its own, but it’s important that you have an understanding of what a CRM is and how it will help.

A CRM is a Customer Relationship Manager tool that helps you organize customer interactions such as contact information and appointments. Some CRMs have add-ons to manage marketing campaigns, opt-in/opt-outs, and customer support. CRMs make it easier for you to track responses and gauge whether or not a customer is worth pursuing.

Having a marketing CRM will help organize opportunities, improve marketing efforts, and will save you time.

There are many CRM options for you to choose from and the search can be overwhelming. Thankfully, SmallBizTrends has a great article on the Benefits of CRM Software and How to Choose a Platform that will save you hours of research.

Pro Suggestion: If you are a new business owner, Hubspot has a free version that makes growing your new business easier.

Get the popcorn ready...

Tactic #5: Give Your Audience A Sneak-Peek!

If you love reality TV, then you understand the appeal of behind-the-scenes content. People naturally are curious and want to see the “dirty secrets” behind the success. Though you don't have to share drama, you can show them how cute your golden retriever is taking a nap on your lap while you work. (Can’t go wrong with cute animals!)

Allowing your audience to get to know you will help build your community. This will also add to your trustworthiness and can create more business opportunities.

See!? Cute Animals rule!
  • Create a community around your sneak-peeks

Sneak-Peeks are great but adding exclusive content with them is even better.

People love value for free. Give them an opportunity to get to know you and gain early access by joining a Facebook community or a Newsletter is too enticing to pass up. Of course, the content has to be worth signing up for, but when you have the right strategy, you will have a goldmine on your hands.

The best part: You will establish yourself as a trusted authority and will create momentum.

The Pro Benefit: You will have their contact information to promote new content WITH their permission. (A win-win situation with minimal extra effort.)

When all else seems daunting, it's time to hire a content marketer.

Sometimes, it better to hire an expert.

Trial and Error can be a headache and sometimes an expensive way to grow. On top of that, you are a busy entrepreneur. You don't have the energy to keep up with marketing best practices. Thankfully, there is a content marketer available for every budget.

Content marketers will save you “Trial and Error” money. They take control of the content strategy and organic growth while keeping you in the loop along the way.

Other benefits to hiring a content marketing are:

  • Frequent competitor analysis

  • A/B Testing to improve marketing efforts

  • Creating fresh content weekly to stay viable

By hiring a content marketer, you can use their knowledge and skills for content strategy while you focus on what you do best.


No matter what you decide, if you focus on your target audience first, you will be on right track towards a stronger brand.

Remember that growth takes time and will get easier.


Have suggestions to help new brands thrive? Email me! I would love to hear your thoughts.

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