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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Morgan

How Chatbots Are Improving New Online Businesses

Many new business owners and entrepreneurs struggle with utilizing tools that will improve productivity and save them money. When you have spent hundreds of dollars on tools that you never used, it's easy to get lost in buyer's remorse and not want to invest in another "convenience" tool.

I get it.

As an entrepreneur, I understand the stress and struggles of wanting to improve productivity but failing miserably. If I can have any advice for you, I would recommend three tools to get started: a great website, a CRM, and a chatbot.

If you have never considered getting a chatbot, you are not alone. When I first started my quest to leave my 9 to 5, I never would have bothered researching a chatbot. However, after doing extensive research, I wish I had used a chatbot years ago.

Chatbots have evolved beyond Siri and navigation. They have become tools that help businesses around the world with tasks and building relations with customers. They can support and scale your customer interactions to improve your online presence.

What I love most about chatbots is that they are designed to you save money and reach a larger audience. If you have been on the fence about chatbots, this article will help you find a few more reasons to consider chatbots for your business.

24/7 Personal Assistant

When you are just starting a business, a chatbot can be programmed to be the personal assistant you wish you had (but can’t afford yet). They can be programmed to automate repetitive work such as webinar reminders, event updates, answer common questions, and more. This will increase your productivity and allow you to focus on the more important issues that arise.

Need to speak with customers in their native language? No problem! Want the chatbot to give suggestions for better customer experience? They got you covered. Chatbots allow you to speak with people around the world. This is handy if you are building a brand that will reach multiple countries.

Chatbots are also the biggest supporters of your brand. You can program your bot to be any personality that fits your targeted audience and create personalized responses to every question or concern. This will build audience engagements and help build your online authority.

Automatic Analytics Reporting

Chatbots are designed to help with problem-solving that is repetitive or common technical issues that can be solved within a few steps. Though no one likes an unhappy customer, you can use reported customer service complaints reported to improve the customer experience.

Another reporting benefit is that you can program your bot to record reactions to new products, events, or features. This is helpful when you want to understand audience interest to create new opportunities to upsell.

Improving Customer Relationships

Customers love fast responses with pleasant interactions. With chatbot support being available 24/7, you can provide conversations in real-time and create a personalized customer experience. Chatbots also improve customer satisfaction through learned responses, customer details, and recorded history.

By integrating your chatbot to your CRM, you will allow it to address your customers by name, ask questions, and make suggestions based on their history with your business.


The benefits of creating a chatbot for your business are endless. However, how you will design your chatbot depends on the needs of your business. If you are considering a chatbot for your business, I would recommend reviewing Hubspot’s version. Since they already have a CRM available, it would be a seamless integration. Another option to research would be Facebook Messenger Bots. Facebook has various bots that can work with various businesses and budgets.

I hope this article was helpful! Don’t forget to share with someone who would benefit from this article.


Do you have other suggestions that will help readers love chatbots? Share them in the comments!

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